Mobility and Stretching with Abigail

Saturday, May 25 10:30am-12pm

This workshop is designed to help people understand how their bodies move and how to move more freely. The workshop will target every area of the body that typically is an area of weakness/ pain/ soreness such as the shoulders, low back, and hips. Participants will learn proper stretching techniques and modifications as well. They will explore their joint mobility and learn ways to use foam rollers, blocks, and other stretching tools in the correct way. All in all, they will leave the workshop with a comprehensive overview of how they can move with less pain and take care of their bodies.

$99 for non-members
Free for Members

You will be prompted to create a MindBody account to sign up for the workshop.

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free Buddhist Meditation

Saturday, June 8 at 3pm

On the second Saturday of each month at 3pm, we are honored to host a guided Buddhist meditation session where you'll be led into a mindful reset to bring balance, awareness, and emotional wellbeing to light. 

Free and open to all, just sign up!

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